At AEL, we are dedicated to fostering a safe working environment for our customers, employees, and the community at large. We believe that through ongoing training and regular monthly toolbox talks covering a variety of topics, our staff are well-prepared for the tasks you entrust to them. At AEL, we view Health and Safety not as an obstacle or a hindrance to productivity, but as a vital advantage for everyone involved.
Our goal is for every team member to return home safely without incident every single day. This proactive approach to Health and Safety brings numerous benefits to both AEL and our customers.
Firstly, it ensures that all AEL employees return home safely, as do our clients.
Secondly, our commitment to safety has led to a significant reduction in sickness and accidents, promoting a healthier workforce.
Additionally, thanks to our strong safety record over 30 years of operation, our insurance premiums remain among the lowest in the electrical contracting industry.
Finally, our reputation for prioritising Health and Safety has allowed us to expand into new markets, where these principles are critical to our customers’ daily operations. Our esteemed clients have included Severn Trent, Northern Power Grid, Cranswick Foods, and many others.
In summary, our unwavering focus on Health and Safety not only protects our employees and customers but also enhances our business operations and growth opportunities.